Fuchs MHL 340 F


Fuchs MHL 340 F

Fuchs MHL 340 F

Fuchs MHL 340 F

Fuchs MHL 360 F

Fuchs MHL 340
103 000EUR
- ≈ 494 003 MYR
- ≈ 111 273 USD

Terex Fuchs MHL340

Fuchs MHL340D
57 900EUR
- ≈ 277 697 MYR
- ≈ 62 551 USD

Fuchs MHL340D
55 900EUR
- ≈ 268 104 MYR
- ≈ 60 390 USD
Waste/ Industry handler Fuchs MHL 340 F
Published: 1mo 16d
Published: 1mo 16d
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Place a want adhydraul. hochfahrbare Kabine hydraul. 4-Punkt-Abstützung 13,7 m Ausladung 28 t Zyklonvorabscheider Zentralschmieranlage Rückfahrkamera Vollgummibereifung - - hydraulic highlift cabin hydraulic 4-point-stabilizer 13,7 m reach 28 t central grease cyclone pre-absorber rear camera solid tyres Worldwide delivery. Please ask for our low shipping charges. TRUST- KIESEL USED -Transparenz Service-Historie und Betriebsstunden -Übersicht erneuerter Komponenten Service-Historie verfügbar für fast alle FUCHS Maschinen aus D, AT, CH, SE, FI, NO, DK, CZ TRUST- KIESEL USED -transparency of service history and operating hours -summary of renewed components service historie available for almost each FUCHS machine from D, AT, CH, SE, FI, NO, DK, CZ
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