Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE from Poland, 68000 EUR for sale - ID: 9568424

68 000EUR

  • ≈ 318 308 MYR
  • ≈ 71 249 USD


: header image
2008|200100 km

68 000EUR


Published: 26d

Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 1
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 3
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 4
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 5
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 6
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 7
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 8
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 9
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 10
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 11
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 12
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 13
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 14
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 15
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 16
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 17
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 18
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 19
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 20
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 21
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 22
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 23
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 24
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 25
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 26
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 27
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 28
Vacuum truck Mitsubishi RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE: picture 29
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Published: 26d


68 000EUR

  • ≈ 318 308 MYR
  • ≈ 71 249 USD
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Year of manufacture


200100 km



Poland, Polen, Niwy
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MITSUBISHI RIONED COMBI WUKO ZUR KANALREINIGUNG PRODUKTIONSJAHR 2008 Tankinhalt für Schmutzwasser 2000 l für sauberes Wasser 900 l Kilometerstand 200100 km Eigener KUBOT-Motor Fernbedienung zur Funksteuerung Rückfahrkamera Das Fahrzeug ist bestimmt für: * Reinigung von Kanälen bis zu 100 m mit einem Hochdruckwassersystem, mit der Möglichkeit, gleichzeitig Abfall mit einem Saug-Druck-System in den Schlammtank zu saugen, * Entfernen von Schmutz und Sedimenten aus Straßenabläufen und Abwasserschächten, * Waschen von Fassaden und kleinen Bodenobjekten wie Denkmälern, Bushaltestellen sowie Arbeitsplätzen und Fahrzeugen mit einer Wasserpistole. Hochdruckpumpe: SPECK 127 l/min. bei 160 bar Saugpumpe Vakuumpumpe: Battioni Pagan MEC 5000 - 6150 l/min. Das Antriebssystem ermöglicht den gleichzeitigen Betrieb beider Pumpen (Saug- und Druckpumpe) bei vollen Betriebsparametern. Das Frischwasserfach ist ausgestattet mit: - Abflussanschluss mit Ventil, - Einfüllventil, Abwasserfach ausgestattet mit: - Überdruckventil, - Druckanzeige, Die hintere Tankabdeckung öffnet sich Kippbare Arbeitstrommel, mit Hochdruckschlauch 3/4 - 100 m, hydraulisch gesteuert, Haspel mit Hochdruckschlauch 1/2 – 50 Meter WEITERE INFORMATIONEN UNTER NR.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp und Viber AUFMERKSAMKEIT. Bei dieser Mitteilung handelt es sich ausschließlich um eine kommerzielle Information und stellt kein Angebot im Sinne des Art. 66,§ 1 des Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuches. Der Verkäufer haftet nicht für etwaige Fehler oder Veraltungen der Anzeige MITSUBISHI RIONED COMBI WUKO FOR CLEANING SEWAGE YEAR OF MANUFACTURE 2008 Tank capacity for dirty water 2000 l for clean water 900 l Mileage 200100 km Own KUBOT engine Remote control for radio control Reversing camera The vehicle is designed for: * cleaning sewers up to 100 m using a high-pressure water system, with the possibility of simultaneously sucking impurities into the sediment tank, using a suction-pressure system, * removing impurities and sediments from street inlets and sewage manholes, * washing facades and small ground objects, such as monuments, bus shelters, as well as work stations and vehicles, using a water gun. High-pressure pump: SPECK 127 l / min. at 160 bar Suction pump Vacuum pump: Battioni Pagan MEC 5000 - 6150 l/min. The drive system allows for simultaneous operation of both pumps (suction and pressure) at full operating parameters. The clean water compartment is equipped with: - drain connector with valve, - filler valve, The sewage compartment is equipped with: - overpressure valve, - pressure indicator, The rear cover of the tank is opened Tilting working drum, with high-pressure hose 3/4 - 100mb, hydraulically controlled, Drum with high-pressure hose 1/2 - 50mb MORE INFORMATION AT NO.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp and Viber ATTENTION. This announcement is only commercial information and does not constitute an offer pursuant to Art. 66, § 1 of the Civil Code. The Seller is not responsible for any errors or outdatedness of the announcement. MITSUBISHI RIONED COMBI WUKO PARA LIMPIEZA DE CONDUCTOS AÑO DE PRODUCCIÓN 2008 Capacidad del tanque para agua sucia 2000 l para agua limpia 900 l Kilometraje 200100 km Motor KUBOT propio Mando a distancia para radiocontrol. cámara de marcha atrás El vehículo está destinado a: * limpieza de canales de hasta 100 m mediante un sistema de agua a alta presión, con posibilidad de aspirar simultáneamente los residuos al tanque de lodos mediante un sistema de succión-presión, * eliminar la suciedad y los sedimentos de los barrancos de las calles y las alcantarillas, * lavado de fachadas y pequeños objetos del suelo, como monumentos, paradas de autobús, así como puestos de trabajo y vehículos, mediante pistola de agua. Bomba de alta presión: MOTA 127 l/min. a 160 bares Bomba de aspiración Bomba de vacío: Battioni Pagan MEC 5000 - 6150 l/min. El sistema de accionamiento permite el funcionamiento simultáneo de ambas bombas (succión y presión) con todos los parámetros de funcionamiento. El compartimento de agua limpia está equipado con: - conector de drenaje con válvula, - válvula de llenado, Compartimento de aguas residuales equipado con: - válvula de sobrepresión, - indicador de presión, La tapa del tanque trasero se abre Tambor de trabajo basculante, con manguera de alta presión 3/4 - 100 m, controlado hidráulicamente, Carrete con manguera de alta presión 1/2 – 50 metros MÁS INFORMACIÓN AL NUM.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp y Viber ATENCIÓN. Este anuncio es únicamente información comercial y no constituye una oferta en el sentido del art. 66,§ 1 del Código Civil. El vendedor no es responsable de los errores o la desactualización del anuncio. MITSUBISHI RIONED COMBI WUKO POUR LE NETTOYAGE DES CONDUITS ANNÉE DE PRODUCTION 2008 Capacité du réservoir pour eau sale 2000 l pour eau propre 900 l Kilométrage 200100km Propre moteur KUBOT Télécommande pour radiocommande Caméra de recul Le véhicule est destiné à : * nettoyage de canaux jusqu'à 100 m grâce à un système d'eau haute pression, avec possibilité d'aspiration simultanée des déchets dans le bac à boues grâce à un système d'aspiration-pression, * éliminer la saleté et les sédiments des ravines des rues et des regards d'égouts, * laver les façades et les petits objets au sol, tels que les monuments, les abribus, ainsi que les postes de travail et les véhicules, à l'aide d'un pistolet à eau. Pompe haute pression : SPECK 127 l/min. à 160 bars Pompe d'aspiration Pompe à vide : Battioni Pagan MEC 5000 - 6150 l/min. Le système d'entraînement permet le fonctionnement simultané des deux pompes (aspiration et pression) aux paramètres de fonctionnement complets. Le compartiment eau propre est équipé de : - raccord de vidange avec vanne, - robinet de remplissage, Compartiment eaux usées équipé de : - soupape de surpression, - indicateur de pression, Le couvercle du réservoir arrière s'ouvre Tambour de travail basculant, avec flexible haute pression 3/4 - 100 m, à commande hydraulique, Enrouleur avec tuyau haute pression 1/2 – 50 mètres PLUS D'INFORMATIONS AU NO.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp et Viber ATTENTION. Cette annonce est uniquement une information commerciale et ne constitue pas une offre au sens de l'art. 66, § 1 du Code civil. Le vendeur n'est pas responsable des erreurs ou du caractère obsolète de l'annonce. MITSUBISHI RIONED COMBI WUKO PER LA PULIZIA DELLE FOGNATURE ANNO DI PRODUZIONE 2008 Capacità del serbatoio per acqua sporca 2000 l per acqua pulita 900 l Chilometraggio 200100 km Possedere il motore KUBOT Telecomando per radiocomando Telecamera per la retromarcia Il veicolo è destinato a: * pulizia di canali fino a 100 m utilizzando un sistema di acqua ad alta pressione, con la possibilità di aspirare contemporaneamente i rifiuti nella vasca dei fanghi tramite un sistema di aspirazione-pressione, * rimozione di impurità e sedimenti dai canaletti stradali e dai tombini delle acque reflue, *lavaggio di facciate e piccoli oggetti a terra, come monumenti, pensiline degli autobus, nonché postazioni di lavoro e veicoli, utilizzando una pistola ad acqua. Pompa ad alta pressione: SPECK 127 l/min. a 160 bar Pompa di aspirazione Pompa del vuoto: Battioni Pagan MEC 5000 - 6150 l/min. Il sistema di azionamento consente il funzionamento simultaneo di entrambe le pompe (aspirazione e pressione) a tutti i parametri operativi. Il vano acqua pulita è dotato di: - raccordo di scarico con valvola, - valvola di riempimento, Compartimento fognario dotato di: - valvola di sovrapressione, - indicatore di pressione, Si apre il coperchio del serbatoio posteriore Tamburo di lavoro ribaltabile, con tubo alta pressione 3/4 - 100 m, a comando idraulico, Avvolgitubo con tubo alta pressione 1/2 – 50 metri MAGGIORI INFORMAZIONI AL NR.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp e Viber ATTENZIONE. Il presente annuncio ha carattere esclusivamente informativo e non costituisce un'offerta ai sensi dell'art. 66, comma 1 del Codice Civile. Il venditore non è responsabile per eventuali errori o non aggiornamento dell'annuncio MITSUBISHI RIONED COMBI WUKO DO CZYSZCZENIA KANAŁÓW ROK PRODUKCJI 2008 Pojemność zbiorników na brudną wodę 2000 l na czystą wodę 900 l Przebieg 200100 km Własny silnik KUBOT Pilot do sterowania radiowego Kamera cofania Pojazd przeznaczony jest do: * czyszczenia kanałów do 100 m przy użyciu wysokociśnieniowego układu wodnego, z możliwością jednoczesnego zasysania nieczystości do zbiornika osadu, przy użyciu układu ssąco-tłoczącego, * usuwania zanieczyszczeń i osadów z wpustów ulicznych i studzienek kanalizacyjnych, * mycia elewacji i niedużych obiektów naziemnych, takich jak pomniki, wiaty przystankowe, a także stanowiska pracy oraz pojazdu, przy użyciu pistoletu wodnego. Pompa wysokociśnieniowa: SPECK 127 l / min. przy 160 barach Pompa ssąca Pompa próżniowa: Battioni Pagan MEC 5000 - 6150 l/min. Układ napędowy pozwala na jednoczesną pracę obu pomp (ssącej i ciśnieniowej) przy pełnych parametrach pracy. Przedział na wodę czystą jest wyposażony w: - złącze spustowe z zaworem, - zawór wlewowy, Przedział na ścieki wyposażony w: - zawór nadciśnieniowy, - wskaźnik ciśnienia, Tylna pokrywa zbiornika jest otwierana Bęben roboczy uchylny, z wężem wysokociśnieniowym 3/4 - 100mb, sterowany hydraulicznie, Bęben z wężem wysokociśnieniowym 1/2 – 50mb MOŻLIWOŚĆ KREDYTU lub LEASINGU -załatwiamy formalności kredytowo leasingowe -procedury uproszczone 0% pierwszej wpłaty -oraz na nowo otwarte firmy -a także klientów wpisanych do KRD i BIG WIĘCEJ INFORMACJI POD NR.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp and Viber UWAGA. Niniejsze ogłoszenie jest wyłącznie informacją handlową i nie stanowi oferty w myśl art. 66,§ 1. Kodeksu Cywilnego. Sprzedający nie odpowiada za ewentualne błędy lub nieaktualność ogłoszenia MITSUBISHI RIONED COMBI WUKO ДЛЯ ОЧИСТКИ КАНАЛОВ ГОД ПРОИЗВОДСТВА 2008 Емкость бака для грязной воды 2000 л для чистой воды 900 л Пробег 200100 км. Собственный двигатель КУБОТ Пульт дистанционного управления для радиоуправления Камера заднего вида Транспортное средство предназначено для: * очистка каналов длиной до 100 м с использованием системы воды высокого давления, с возможностью одновременного засасывания отходов в шламонакопитель с помощью системы всасывания-напора, * удаление грязи и осадка из уличных оврагов и канализационных люков, * мойка фасадов и небольших наземных объектов, таких как памятники, автобусные остановки, а также рабочих мест и транспортных средств, с использованием водяного пистолета. Насос высокого давления: ШПЕК 127 л/мин. при 160 бар Всасывающий насос Вакуумный насос: Баттионы Pagan MEC 5000 - 6150 л/мин. Система привода обеспечивает одновременную работу обоих насосов (всасывающего и нагнетательного) на полных рабочих параметрах. Отсек для чистой воды оснащен: - сливной патрубок с клапаном, - заливной клапан, Канализационный отсек оборудован: - клапан избыточного давления, - индикатор давления, Задняя крышка бака открывается Наклонный рабочий барабан, со шлангом высокого давления 3/4 - 100 м, с гидравлическим управлением, Катушка со шлангом высокого давления 1/2 – 50 метров БОЛЬШЕ ИНФОРМАЦИИ НА НОМЕРЕ.

+48697070670 (ENG.RUS.POL) WhatsApp и Viber ВНИМАНИЕ. Данное объявление является исключительно коммерческой информацией и не является офертой по смыслу ст. 66, § 1 ГК РФ. Продавец не несет ответственности за любые ошибки или устаревшие объявления.

Contact the seller

The administrator of personal data processed in the above form is TRUCK1 sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 Warsaw, NIP: 7011085742, REGON: 521876921 E-mail contact: Personal data are processed for the purpose of handling the inquiry sent via the provided form on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of the GDPR. Each user has the right to request access to their personal data, correction, deletion (in justified cases), restriction of processing and objection to processing, as well as the right to file a complaint with the Supervisor of the Personal Data Protection Office. More information on the processing of personal data is available in the information clauses posted on the website: Privacy policy.

This offer is for informational purposes only. Please confirm details directly from the seller.

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Buying tips
Step 1 Choose Your Method of Contact

After identifying a vehicle of interest on, you have the option to reach out to the seller either by using the contact form or by calling the dealer directly using the phone number provided. Choose the method that best aligns with your preferences.

Step 2 Verify Vehicle Details

Reach out to the seller to request more information about the vehicle’s availability, technical condition, and actual price, as ads might not always provide complete details. Additionally, ask for any recent service records or inspection reports to get a clearer picture of the vehicle’s current state.

Step 3 Utilize the Comparison Tool

Leverage Truck1’s comparison feature to evaluate similar vehicles. This will help you assess whether the asking price is competitive and aligned with market trends. Look for patterns in pricing and features to make an informed decision.

Step 4 Check Seller Reputation

When purchasing a vehicle online, it's essential to verify the seller's reputation by looking for positive reviews and a history of successful transactions. Truck1’s “Dealer status” icons provide valuable insights based on the experiences with the dealer, aiding in assessing the seller’s reliability.

Step 5 Inspect the Vehicle

Whenever possible, make it a priority to visit the seller and inspect the vehicle in person. If feasible, arrange for a third-party pre-purchase inspection of the vehicle. This can uncover potential issues that might not be visible in photos or mentioned in the advert.

Step 6 Sign a Sale Agreement

Ensure you sign a detailed sale agreement to protect your rights and confirm the terms of the transaction.

Step 7 Secure Payment

Proceed with payment only after signing the sale agreement. A small down payment to reserve the vehicle is common but should be done cautiously.

Anti-fraud tips
Step 1 Verify the Seller’s Identity

Confirm the seller's authenticity by gathering detailed information and checking reviews or ratings from previous buyers. Look for dealer icons on Truck1 to identify verified sellers and ensure a safer purchasing experience.

Step 2 Thorough Price Comparison

Compare the prices of similar vehicles using the Comparison tool to identify any unusual offers. Be wary of prices that deviate significantly from the market norm, as they may indicate potential issues or fraud.

Step 3 Contact Sellers for Comprehensive Details

Ask the seller for details about the vehicle’s history and usage conditions. A genuine seller will be transparent and willing to share this information, helping you assess if the vehicle meets your needs.

Step 4 Inspect the Vehicle’s Condition

Arrange to see and test the vehicle, looking for signs of wear or damage. Consider a pre-purchase inspection by a professional mechanic to uncover any hidden issues and ensure the vehicle's safety and reliability.

Step 5 Secure a Clear Sale Agreement and Payment Process

Before any transaction, ensure a detailed sale agreement is in place outlining all terms and conditions. Use secure payment methods and verify transaction details to protect against fraud.

68 000EUR

  • ≈ 318 308 MYR
  • ≈ 71 249 USD
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Poland, 26-021 Niwy, ul. Pogodna 42
07:00 - 17:00Mon - Fri
3 More than 3 years with Truck1
Contact the seller

The administrator of personal data processed in the above form is TRUCK1 sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Aleje Jerozolimskie 85/21, 02-001 Warsaw, NIP: 7011085742, REGON: 521876921 E-mail contact: Personal data are processed for the purpose of handling the inquiry sent via the provided form on the basis of art. 6 sec. 1 letter f of the GDPR. Each user has the right to request access to their personal data, correction, deletion (in justified cases), restriction of processing and objection to processing, as well as the right to file a complaint with the Supervisor of the Personal Data Protection Office. More information on the processing of personal data is available in the information clauses posted on the website: Privacy policy.

This offer is for informational purposes only. Please confirm details directly from the seller.

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Buying tips
Step 1 Choose Your Method of Contact

After identifying a vehicle of interest on, you have the option to reach out to the seller either by using the contact form or by calling the dealer directly using the phone number provided. Choose the method that best aligns with your preferences.

Step 2 Verify Vehicle Details

Reach out to the seller to request more information about the vehicle’s availability, technical condition, and actual price, as ads might not always provide complete details. Additionally, ask for any recent service records or inspection reports to get a clearer picture of the vehicle’s current state.

Step 3 Utilize the Comparison Tool

Leverage Truck1’s comparison feature to evaluate similar vehicles. This will help you assess whether the asking price is competitive and aligned with market trends. Look for patterns in pricing and features to make an informed decision.

Step 4 Check Seller Reputation

When purchasing a vehicle online, it's essential to verify the seller's reputation by looking for positive reviews and a history of successful transactions. Truck1’s “Dealer status” icons provide valuable insights based on the experiences with the dealer, aiding in assessing the seller’s reliability.

Step 5 Inspect the Vehicle

Whenever possible, make it a priority to visit the seller and inspect the vehicle in person. If feasible, arrange for a third-party pre-purchase inspection of the vehicle. This can uncover potential issues that might not be visible in photos or mentioned in the advert.

Step 6 Sign a Sale Agreement

Ensure you sign a detailed sale agreement to protect your rights and confirm the terms of the transaction.

Step 7 Secure Payment

Proceed with payment only after signing the sale agreement. A small down payment to reserve the vehicle is common but should be done cautiously.

Anti-fraud tips
Step 1 Verify the Seller’s Identity

Confirm the seller's authenticity by gathering detailed information and checking reviews or ratings from previous buyers. Look for dealer icons on Truck1 to identify verified sellers and ensure a safer purchasing experience.

Step 2 Thorough Price Comparison

Compare the prices of similar vehicles using the Comparison tool to identify any unusual offers. Be wary of prices that deviate significantly from the market norm, as they may indicate potential issues or fraud.

Step 3 Contact Sellers for Comprehensive Details

Ask the seller for details about the vehicle’s history and usage conditions. A genuine seller will be transparent and willing to share this information, helping you assess if the vehicle meets your needs.

Step 4 Inspect the Vehicle’s Condition

Arrange to see and test the vehicle, looking for signs of wear or damage. Consider a pre-purchase inspection by a professional mechanic to uncover any hidden issues and ensure the vehicle's safety and reliability.

Step 5 Secure a Clear Sale Agreement and Payment Process

Before any transaction, ensure a detailed sale agreement is in place outlining all terms and conditions. Use secure payment methods and verify transaction details to protect against fraud.

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